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Fanie Potgieter

Bertie van Zyl 3 (EDMS) Bpk, PO Box 19, Mooketsi, 0825

Fanie Potgieter: 082 336 7199 / sajpotgieter@zz2.co.za
Dirk: 072 609 2241

PZL: 602617



The ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yl stud is another one of ZZ2's performing pure blood herds. This herd is the pioneer PinZ²yl stud and has been crossbreeding Nguni dam-lines with Pinzgauer sire-lines since 2000. The ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yls can be seen at Grootboom in Mooketsi, Limpopo Province.

The name “Mathomo” means “the first one” in Sepedi, one of South Africa's indigenous languages. This refers to the fact that ZZ2's Mathomo PinZ²yl stud, is indeed the stud that founded the PinZ²yl breed. The Mathomo PinZ²yls abide in the Mooketsi valley in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. This region has heavy tick infestations, heart-water, red-water and gall sickness, all endemic tick-borne diseases. The animals in this herd are selected to thrive with low maintenance cost and minimal management. All the cattle in this herd are highly fertile and adapted to veld conditions. The ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yl Stud selects for tick and heat-resistance, calving ease and low calf mortality, functional and effective physiological build, and good mothering ability. Special emphasis is placed on breeding a cow that will deliver a weaner-calf that will fetch premium prices at the feedlot.

Effective meat production from the veld is of the utmost importance in an agricultural environment where input-costs keep rising. ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yl cattle's low lick, dip, medicinal and management requirements will ensure that buyers will benefit financially. The high calf/cow weaning ratio is already a good indication of effective production off the veld.

ZZ2, being the custodian of the PinZ²yl breed, is currently undertaking various projects to improve and extend the genetic advantages of the PinZ²yl cattle breed by introducing various new blood lines from totally unrelated sire- and dam lines and also by introducing reciprocal crossbreeding principles. The PinZ²yl as a newly established breed, has been registered as a “breed under development” and final registration is now awaited after the successful submission of the Impact Study Report.


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